Strategic asset allocation
Please interact with the chart to see the latest asset allocation of each of our portfolios across their 7 risk levels in the GBP, SRI, USD & EUR focused ranges.
Strategic currency allocation
Please interact with the chart to see the latest asset allocation of each of our portfolios across their 7 risk levels in the GBP & SRI focused ranges.
Historic risk and return characteristics
There is always a trade-off between risk and return when investing. When assessing the appropriate level of risk for each of your investment portfolios, you should consider the following three areas:
How much risk can you afford to take?
How much risk can you accept?
How much risk do you need to take?
Please note that past performance is not indicative of future performance
The above data is for our GBP core portfolios and simulated from the past 25 years of investment market data. Simulated historic returns are based on current strategic allocations, historical asset class index returns and an estimate of costs and charges associated with investing. Source: Netwealth Investments and Bloomberg data.